Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab

Pt. Rup Chand Joshi Ji Photo

Pt. Rup Chand Joshi Ji

Creater of LalKitab Science

  Pandit Ji, had written and got published five books during the duration of 1939 to 1952. These books are known as 'LalKitabs' and written in Urdu Script (Also called as Shahmukhi) a simple local dialect. These books are not available in the market. Some good Samaritans to whom Pandit Ji given these books for studies and practice for Humanity, have kept these books as his 'Amaanat'. A few of them have come forward and gave these books free of cost to 'Astrostudents' Community- our group.
Main contributor for arranging these book is Sh. Yog Raj Prabhakar Ji the world famous Lalkitabi. In addition Sh. Rajinder Bhatia Ji also provided few copies of the books. These Books have been scanned/Xeroxed and has been put forward to our group for studies and  online reading. .
In continual effort to provide the book to the humanity, The electronic form of this book is provided by the members of 'AstroStudents', a Lalkitab Study Group, based in Chandigarh, with its member all over the world. This group is carrying out there studies under the guidance of  Sarv Shri Yog Raj Prabhakar ji, Sh. Rajinder Bhatia Ji, Rajiv Khattar Ji, Sh. MS Kondal Ji and Sh. Pradeep Sharma Ji and many other LalKitabis.

Start Reading   

Lal Kitab Ke Armaan -1940

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